javascript - Ruby on rails split index.js to separate files -

i have huge index.js file, 7000 lines, , want split separate files, dont care if assembled rails 1 file, need separate them easier editing.

i have application.js manifest file includes index.js , many more javascript files, index.js became big since i'm not ruby on rails guy, can please give me useful advise on it?

index.js is:

"use strict";

(function($) { //some setup string vars , arrays  //some object definition //some object definition //some object definition //some object definition  //some conditions init objects })(jquery) 


//some object definition

i want move separated files.

in application.js file can call following load individual files

//= require customjsfile1 //= require customjsfile2 ... 

if want call them in erb instead <%= javascript_include_tag "customjsfile1", "data-turbolinks-track" => true %>


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