office js - Microsoft Word Add-in Parse mktcmpid Not Working -

i have posted question on msdn "publishing apps office store" forum here , unfortunately haven't received response thought i'd try stackoverflow see if else has had similar issues.

i've developed add-in word , have followed instructions on page track performance of advertising campaigns drive people add-in on office store.

specifically section under "track campaign performance , customize add-in targeted audiences" header, specifies how developer should able access mktcmpid settings object through office.js.

if attempt add mktcmpid parameter office store url add-in, , attempt parse value within add-in's code below, null value.

if (office.context.document.settings) {     return office.context.document.settings.get("");  }  

additionally, value office.context.document.settings.get(""); null. feature (being able pass in arbitrary mktcmpid via office store url, directly add-in) work else?

this paragraph above article seems suggest should work attempting use it:

adding these parameters campaign url enable provide more information campaign's user funnel. mktcmpid parameter passed way launch document. allows customize first user experience of free word, excel, or powerpoint add-in to, example, display specific splash screen or welcome message targeted audience. when document loads targeted user, mktcmpid parameter available in settings object of add-in, in office clients settings object supported. use following code read settings object.

if (office.context.document.settings) {                 return office.context.document.settings.get("");                  } 

thanks in advance!

thanks awesome support team figured out there seems character minimum on mktcmpid parameter. unsure right looking it. in meantime changing of mktcmpid parameters longer. ton!


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