javascript - jquery parent sibling selector two steps back -

i trying change class of element can't seem right here html

<div class = "grand">   <section class = 'minimized'>      <div class = "div-1"> <button class = 'assign-show'></button> </div>   </section>   <section class = 'assignment'>      <div class = "div-2"> <button class = 'assign-hide'></button> </div>   </section> </div> 

what need if assign-show clicked, add <section class = 'assignment'> , <section class = 'minimized'>

below jquery script

$('.assign-show').on('click',function(){     $(this).closest('.minimized').addclass('hide');      $(this).closest('.minimized').addclass('assignment-hide');     $(this).parent('section').siblings('.assignment').removeclass('hide');    $(this).parent('section').siblings('.assignment').removeclass('assignment-hide');   }); 

the above code works addclass remove class not working.

your issue because parent() travels 1 level dom tree, yet section 2 levels away .assign-show. fix issue can use either parents() (note, plural), or closest(). latter seem better fit stops @ first matching occurrence.

also note can join addclass() , removeclass() calls together. try this:

$('.assign-show').on('click', function() {   $(this).closest('.minimized').addclass('hide assignment-hide');   $(this).closest('section').siblings('.assignment').removeclass('hide ssignment-hide');  }); 


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