javascript - Multiple dynamic input character restriction -

i have form users can add inputs dynamically. sum of inputs character length shouldn't higher 500 , can not rid of in correct way.

current javascript code looks this:

 $('.group[data-maxchar] .add-item-input').on('keyup paste', function () {     var group = $(this).closest('.group[data-maxchar]');     var maxchar = parseint($(this).closest('.group[data-maxchar]').attr('data-maxchar'));     var remainingchar = parseint(group.find('.counter').text());     var str = $(this).val();     var length = str.length;      if (remainingchar < 1) {         $(this).val(str.substr(0, maxchar));     }      updatecounters(group); }); 

on first input added can i'm able insert 500 characters correctly , if try paste ot type more text stopped , not exceed it.

unfortunately if add more inputs see counter going negative , i'm able write text...

i'm pretty sure error in part of control:

if (remainingchar < 1) {     $(this).val(str.substr(0, maxchar)); //here } 

how can solve it?

the main problem on event. check jquery api

proper usage $('.group[data-maxchar]').on('keypress paste', '.add-item-input', function () {. function going triggered each element in group.

also use keypress instead of keyup because want handle printable characters.

see demo


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