ios - How to declare variable that has a struct array outside function -

i need use currentquestion variable outside of randomquestiongenerator function. whats proper syntax declaring beforehand?

struct questions {     var question: string     var answer: int     var answers: [string] }  class gamescreen: uiviewcontroller {  var correctanswer = 0 var fullquestions: [questions] = []  func randomquestiongenerator(){     let randomquestion =  int(arc4random_uniform(uint32(fullquestions.count)))     var currentquestion = fullquestions[randomquestion]     correctanswer = currentquestion.answer 

you can declare currentquestion optional outside function:

var currentquestion : questions? = nil func randomquestiongenerator() {     let randomquestion = int(arc4random_uniform(uint32(fullquestions.count)))     currentquestion = fullquestions[randomquestion]     correctanswer = currentquestion.answer } 

although that, better approach make function return random question, this:

func randomquestiongenerator() -> questions {     let randomquestion = int(arc4random_uniform(uint32(fullquestions.count)))     return fullquestions[randomquestion] } 

now can use function retrieve next random question, , fields needed:

let nextquestion = randomquestiongenerator() print(nextquestion.question) print(nextquestion.answers) 


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