Does DB2 CLI support parameters markers in SQL that needs to be executed from a bash script [AIX] -

does db2 -x or db2 -f filename.sql options support use of parameter markers? calling sql statement bash script. cannot find optios far , think have use string concatenation in bash , pass sql db2 -x not neat.

the db2 clp not support using parameter markers.

however, when running db2 non-interactively (i.e., shell), can substitute shell variables:

$ v=4 $ db2 "select count(*) syscat.tables card = ${v}" 

because using shell substitution you'll need handle adding single quotes around strings (... tabschema = '${tabschema}' ...), , if strings have single quotes becomes more complicated.

you can use method in shell scripts in loops:

#!/bin/ksh  db2 connect sample  v in 1 2 3 4 5 ;     db2 "insert t1 (c1) values (${v})" done  db2 terminate 

this not if you're trying use parameter markers avoid recompiling sql statement every time it's executed, if you're looking want think using perl dbi, ruby/ibm_db, etc.


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