c# - RabbitMQ not receiving messages when used with TopShelf as a Windows Service -

i'm trying convert rabbitmq micro-service windows service. have used topshelf conversion. rabbitmq micro-service works fine on own when run service no longer receives messages. in public static void main(string[] args) have:

 hostfactory.run(host =>                 {                     host.service<personservice>(s =>                                           {                         s.constructusing(name => new personservice());                         s.whenstarted(tc => tc.start());                                      s.whenstopped(tc => tc.stop());                                    });                     host.setdescription("windows service provides database access totables.");                      host.setdisplayname("service");                                        host.setservicename("service");                 });             } 

then in personservice class have

public void start() {             consumemessage();         } 

and consumemessage function:

private static void consumemessage() {         messagingconfig.setinstance(new messagingconstants());         imessagefactory pmfinst = messagefactory.instance;          //message worker         var factory = new connectionfactory() {             hostname = messagingconfig.instance.getbrokerhostname(),             username = messagingconfig.instance.getbrokerusername(),             password = messagingconfig.instance.getbrokerpassword()         };          var connection = factory.createconnection();          using (var channel = connection.createmodel()) {             channel.queuedeclare(queue: messagingconfig.instance.getservicequeuename(),                                  durable: true,                                  exclusive: false,                                  autodelete: false,                                  arguments: null);              channel.basicqos(0, 1, false);              var consumer = new eventingbasicconsumer(channel);              channel.basicconsume(queue: messagingconfig.instance.getservicequeuename(),                                  noack: false,                                  consumer: consumer);              console.writeline("service.");             console.writeline(" [x] awaiting rpc requests");               // code below not executed in service             consumer.received += (model, ea) => {                  string response = null;                  var body = ea.body;                 var props = ea.basicproperties;                 var replyprops = channel.createbasicproperties();                 replyprops.correlationid = props.correlationid;                  string receivedmessage = null;                  try {                     receivedmessage = encoding.utf8.getstring(body);                     response = processmessage(receivedmessage);                 }                 catch (exception e) {                     // received message not valid.                     winlogger.log.error(                         "errror processing message: " + receivedmessage + " :" + e.message);                      response = "";                 }                 {                      var responsebytes = encoding.utf8.getbytes(response);                     channel.basicpublish(exchange: "", routingkey: props.replyto,                     basicproperties: replyprops, body: responsebytes);                     channel.basicack(deliverytag: ea.deliverytag,                     multiple: false);                 }             };             console.readline();         } 

looking @ a similar question looks has return windows service wanting, i'm not sure of how call consumemessage consumer.received += (model, ea) => {...}; executed.

edit: looks blocking mechanism console.readline(); ignored service continues on , disposes of message consumer. how block there messages received?

you code uses using construct, means when onstart method returns, channel disposed. docs suggest initialization on onstart, create channel , consumer there, don't use using:

this.connection = factory.createconnection();  this.channel = connection.createmodel(); this.consumer = new eventingbasicconsumer(this.channel); 

then objects continue exist after onstart method finished. should dispose of them in onstop method.


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