javascript - How to run headless browser inside docker? -

i building crawler headless browser right want dockerize app i've installed chrome in docker image throw me error when run script.


const chromelauncher = require('chrome-launcher');  chromelauncher.launch({     port: 9222,     chromeflags: ['--headless','--proxy-server=','--disable-web-security','--disable-gpu'] }).then(chrome => {     console.log(`chrome debugging port running on ${chrome.port}`); }); 


(node:415) unhandledpromiserejectionwarning: unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): error: connect econnrefused (node:415) [dep0018] deprecationwarning: unhandled promise rejections deprecated. in future, promise rejections not handled terminate node.js process non-zero exit code. 

and when run in command line throws me error this

failed move new namespace: pid namespaces supported, network namespace supported, failed: errno = operation not permitted trace/breakpoint trap 

you can try docker image yukinying/chrome-headless-browser or similar:

from description:

this docker image contain linux dev channel chromium (, required dependencies , command line arguments running headless mode.


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