python 3.x - E901, or TokenError: EOF in multi-line statement on -
i have been coding on website called pep8 returning error @ last line:
e901, or tokenerror: eof in multi-line statement`.
i've tried rewriting section, redoing indents, , renaming variables.
-edit- i've checked indentations , if statements, here new code. still pulling same issues. note not @ code , won't understand mean right of bat. try add comments code.
from random import randint time import sleep advlist = ["crawl", "walk", "run", "sprint"] atklist = ["[a] punch", "[b] kick", "[c] magic"] restart = 1 myhp = 50 zomhp = 50 battle = 50 #game on screen if myhp <= 0: print("you died") print("game over") quit() #endless game function in range(0, reset): #traveling loop while battle > 5: print(advlist) trv = str(input("how advance?")) if trv == advlist[0]: sleep(8) myhp = myhp + 10 battle = randint(0, 40) if trv == advlist[1]: sleep(4) myhp = myhp + 5 battle = randint(0, 30) if trv == advlist[2]: sleep(2) myhp = myhp + 2 battle = randint(0, 20) if trv == advlist[3]: sleep(1) myhp = myhp + 1 battle = randint(0, 10) #max health cap if myhp >= 50: myhp = 50 print("my hp: ", myhp) print('') #battle sequence if battle <= 5: print ("a zombie approaches!!!") sleep(1) while battle <= 5: print (atklist) atk = str(input("how attack?")) #randomizes hit chance khit = randint(0, 2) phit = randint(0, 1) mhit = randint(0, 5) zhit = randint(0, 4) #kick attack if atk == "b": dmg = randint(1, 25) if khit != 1: print ("your attack missed...") if khit == 1: zomhp = zomhp - dmg print (("the attack hits %s damage") %(dmg)) #punch attack if atk == "a": dmg = randint(1, 10) if phit == 0: print ("your attack missed...") if phit == 1: zomhp = zomhp - dmg print (("the attack hits %s damage") %(dmg)) #magic attack if atk == "c": dmg = randint(1, 50) if mhit != 0: print ("your attack missed...") if mhit == 0: zomhp = zomhp - dmg print (("the attack hits %s damage") %(dmg) #zombie's hit if zhit == 0: zdmg = randint(1, 10) myhp = myhp - zdmg print (("the zombie's attack hits %s damage")(zdmg)) print ("my hp:", myhp) #zombie miss if zhit != 0: print ("my hp:", myhp) #zombie dies if zomhp <= 0: print ("you defeated zombie!!!") battle = 50 #round end print("zombie's hp:", zomhp) print('')
i getting error on line
file "<ipython-input-3-252d942b8c20>", line 82 if zhit == 0: ^ syntaxerror: invalid syntax
so, noticed "zhit" should not initialized 0 conflicts comparison operator. secondly, helpful if add comments code understand purpose of game. eof error on pep8, documentation pep8 maybe helpful, eof901 points e901 syntaxerror or indentationerror. in python, proper indentation important. hope helps
it idea copy code text editor such sublime, atom or visual studio , switch debugging mode step through code line line. tried code on jupyter notebook , did not find error albeit different one. site has own debug environment. perhaps, identify source of error.
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