javascript - Suggestion box only displays , , -
i making mashup website involves map, , search textbox in javascript. title says, no matter inputted search box, 2 commas appear in suggestion box , when suggestion clicked on, turn map gray , unusable. whats problem? javascript file, function located in configure function
// google map var map; // markers map var markers = []; // info window var info = new google.maps.infowindow(); // execute when dom loaded $(function() { // styles map // var styles = [ // hide google's labels { featuretype: "all", elementtype: "labels", stylers: [ {visibility: "off"} ] }, // hide roads { featuretype: "road", elementtype: "geometry", stylers: [ {visibility: "off"} ] } ]; // options map // var options = { center: {lat: 35.7640, lng: -78.7786}, // cary, north carolina disabledefaultui: true, maptypeid: google.maps.maptypeid.roadmap, maxzoom: 14, pancontrol: true, styles: styles, zoom: 13, zoomcontrol: true }; // dom node in map instantiated var canvas = $("#map-canvas").get(0); // instantiate map map = new, options); // configure ui once google map idle (i.e., loaded) google.maps.event.addlisteneronce(map, "idle", configure); }); /** * adds marker place map. */ function addmarker(place) { var url = "/search?q=" + place; $.getjson(url, function(data){ var location = data.latitude + data.longitude; mark = new google.maps.marker(location, map); markers[0] = mark; }); } /** * configures application. */ function configure() { // update ui after map has been dragged google.maps.event.addlistener(map, "dragend", function() { // if info window isn't open // if (!info.getmap || !info.getmap()) { update(); } }); // update ui after zoom level changes google.maps.event.addlistener(map, "zoom_changed", function() { update(); }); // configure typeahead $("#q").typeahead({ highlight: false, minlength: 1 }, { display: function(suggestion) { return null; }, limit: 10, source: search, templates: { suggestion: handlebars.compile( "<div>" + "<p>{{ place_name }}, {{ admin_name1 }}, {{ postal_code }}</p>" + "</div>" ) } }); // re-center map after place selected drop-down $("#q").on("typeahead:selected", function(eventobject, suggestion, name) { // set map's center map.setcenter({lat: parsefloat(suggestion.latitude), lng: parsefloat(suggestion.longitude)}); // update ui update(); }); // hide info window when text box has focus $("#q").focus(function(eventdata) { info.close(); }); // re-enable ctrl- , right-clicking (and inspect element) on google map // document.addeventlistener("contextmenu", function(event) { event.returnvalue = true; event.stoppropagation && event.stoppropagation(); event.cancelbubble && event.cancelbubble(); }, true); // update ui update(); // give focus text box $("#q").focus(); } /** * removes markers map. */ function removemarkers() { // todo } /** * searches database typeahead's suggestions. */ function search(query, syncresults, asyncresults) { // places matching query (asynchronously) var parameters = { q: query }; $.getjson(flask.url_for("search"), parameters) .done(function(data, textstatus, jqxhr) { // call typeahead's callback search results (i.e., places) asyncresults(data); }) .fail(function(jqxhr, textstatus, errorthrown) { // log error browser's console console.log(errorthrown.tostring()); // call typeahead's callback no results asyncresults([]); }); } /** * shows info window @ marker content. */ function showinfo(marker, content) { // start div var div = "<div id='info'>"; if (typeof(content) == "undefined") { // div += "<img alt='loading' src='/static/ajax-loader.gif'/>"; } else { div += content; } // end div div += "</div>"; // set info window's content info.setcontent(div); // open info window (if not open), marker); } /** * updates ui's markers. */ function update() { // map's bounds var bounds = map.getbounds(); var ne = bounds.getnortheast(); var sw = bounds.getsouthwest(); // places within bounds (asynchronously) var parameters = { ne: + "," + ne.lng(), q: $("#q").val(), sw: + "," + sw.lng() }; $.getjson(flask.url_for("update"), parameters) .done(function(data, textstatus, jqxhr) { // remove old markers map removemarkers(); // add new markers map (var = 0; < data.length; i++) { addmarker(data[i]); } }) .fail(function(jqxhr, textstatus, errorthrown) { // log error browser's console console.log(errorthrown.tostring()); }); };
nvm, figured out in, should have put jsonify(value) instead of jsonify([value]).
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