Is it possible to execute SQL procedure in Delphi 6 BDE TUpdateSQL? -

is possible write execute procedure (...with arguments...) (for firebird 2.1 database) in delphi 6 bde tupdatesql.modifysql? have tried, receiving error message update failed simplest sql procedure. - there restrictions on statement can executed in modifysql? know (and using extensively), possible write execute procedure (and more complex statements) in delphi ibx tibdataset.modifysql (or in other similar properties of ibx components). should avoid execute procedure in tupdatesql or there tricks should take consideration?

rené hoffmann's idea right - possible execute procedure update statement. e.g. following statement accepted in modifysql:

update target_table set   id = :id,   field1 = :field1,   field2 = (select proc.field2 additional_actions_procedure(:field2, :param1, :param2) proc)     id = :old_id   

delphi unit dbtables contains code explains why exception raised:

procedure tupdatesql.execsql(updatekind: tupdatekind); begin   query[updatekind]   begin     prepare;     execsql;     if rowsaffected <> 1 databaseerror(supdatefailed);   end; end; 

so affected rows counting happens. apparently dbtables accounting of affected rows differs affected rows count in ibexpert. ibexpert counts real affected rows affected execute procedure, update statement or other statements. dbtables counts (my guess) rows of target table updated update statement. more investigation of delphi code can reveal more exact explanation.

this comment suggest editing dbtables file.


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