how to convert XMLGregorian Calendar to java.util.Date in GMT(Greenwich) time -

i trying convert xmlgregorian calendar in gmt.but following method gives me same not convert date. can please @ below code , tell me doing wrong ?

     try {         simpledateformat dateformatgmt = new simpledateformat("yyyy-mmm-dd hh:mm");         dateformatgmt.settimezone(timezone.gettimezone("utc"));         return dateformatgmt.parse(dateformatgmt.format(date));     } catch (parseexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();         return null;     } 


avoid troublesome old date-time classes, supplanted java.time classes.

convert xmlgregoriancalendar object java.util.gregoriancalendar. there java.time.zoneddatetime. there java.time.instant in utc (the new gmt, basically).

gregoriancalendar gc = myxgc.togregoriancalendar() ; zoneddatetime zdt = gc.tozoneddatetime() ; instant instant = zdt.toinstant() ; 

if absolutely must have, convert using new methods added old classes. d = date.from( instant ) ; 

search stack overflow more info. question duplicate of many others.


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