Solidworks/VB.NET SaveBMP() Not Saving Bitmap Consistently -
i have program redimensions parts , assemblies in solidworks , shows image of assembly drawing in panel using savebmp(). issue not showing image - whenever user moves location of dimension in solidworks drawing, entire location , size of bitmap changes , need go code readjust crop , resize values.
saving drawing bitmap image:
swmodel.savebmp(bmpname, 1700, 1100) '17x11 aspect ratio
cropping image remove white space:
function cropdrawing(byval oldimage image) image cropdrawing = nothing dim x integer = getvalue(frmimagescale.txtcropx.text) dim y integer = getvalue(frmimagescale.txtcropy.text) dim width integer = getvalue(getvalue(frmimagescale.txtcropw.text)) dim height integer = getvalue(frmimagescale.txtcroph.text) dim croprect new rectangle(x, y, width, height) try dim cropimage bitmap = new bitmap(croprect.width, croprect.height) using grp = graphics.fromimage(cropimage) grp.drawimage(oldimage, new rectangle(0, 0, cropimage.width, cropimage.height), croprect, graphicsunit.pixel) oldimage.dispose() 'resave end using return cropimage catch ex exception 'caught if width , height = 0 end try end function
resizing image fit panel:
public function resizeimage(byval oldimage image, byval targetwidth integer, byval targetheight integer) system.drawing.image return new bitmap(oldimage, targetwidth, targetheight) end function
once bitmap created, crop image , resize fill panel.
any suggestions on why happening appreciated!
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