angular - ng2-table error: Can't bind to ' various items' since it isn't a known property of 'ng-table' -

i using valor software ng2-table when try , run following errors in console compiler happy,

any recommendations on how go resolving these errors, assume missing imports or packages or life of me cannot work out how debug issue.

errors console:

unhandled promise rejection: template parse errors: can't bind 'active' since isn't known property of 'ng-table'. 1. if 'ng-table' angular component , has 'active' input, verify part of module. 2. if 'ng-table' web component add "custom_elements_schema" '@ngmodule.schemas' of component suppress message.  ("="onnewuserchangetable(newuserconfig)"(cellclicked)="oncellclick($event)" [error ->][active]="selectednewuserrow"                          [rows]="newuserrows" [columns]="newusercolumns"): newadminusertablecomponent@38:60 can't bind 'links' since isn't known property of 'ng-table'. 1. if 'ng-table' angular component , has 'links' input, verify part of module. 2. if 'ng-table' web component add "custom_elements_schema" '@ngmodule.schemas' of component suppress message.  ("tive]="selectednewuserrow" [rows]="newuserrows" [columns]="newusercolumns" [error ->][links]="newuserlinks"                           (editclicked)="oneditclicked($event)"               "): newadminusertablecomponent@39:72 can't bind 'options' since isn't known property of 'ng-select'. 1. if 'ng-select' angular component , has 'options' input, verify part of module. 2. if 'ng-select' web component add "custom_elements_schema" '@ngmodule.schemas' of component suppress message.  (">                               <div class="col-sm-8">                                   <ng-select [error ->][options]="customerstoselect" formcontrolname="customerid" placeholder="select customer name" [disabl"): newadminusertablecomponent@261:43 can't bind 'allowclear' since isn't known property of 'ng-select'. 1. if 'ng-select' angular component , has 'allowclear' input, verify part of module. 2. if 'ng-select' web component add "custom_elements_schema" '@ngmodule.schemas' of component suppress message.  ("select" formcontrolname="customerid" placeholder="select customer name" [disabled]="isreadonlyform" [error ->][allowclear]="true"                                        (deselected)="oncustomerdeselected($event)"): newadminusertablecomponent@261:165 'ng-select' not known element: 1. if 'ng-select' angular component, verify part of module. 2. if 'ng-select' web component add "custom_elements_schema" '@ngmodule.schemas' of component suppress message. ("name</label>                               <div class="col-sm-8">                                   [error ->]<ng-select [options]="customerstoselect" formcontrolname="customerid" placeholder="select customer na"): newadminusertablecomponent@261:32 ; zone: <root> ; task: promise.then ; value: error: template parse errors: can't bind 'active' since isn't known property of 'ng-table'. 1. if 'ng-table' angular component , has 'active' input, verify part of module. 2. if 'ng-table' web component add "custom_elements_schema" '@ngmodule.schemas' of component suppress message.  ("="onnewuserchangetable(newuserconfig)"                          (cellclicked)="oncellclick($event)" [error ->][active]="selectednewuserrow"                          [rows]="newuserrows" [columns]="newusercolumns"): newadminusertablecomponent@38:60 can't bind 'links' since isn't known property of 'ng-table'. 1. if 'ng-table' angular component , has 'links' input, verify part of module. 2. if 'ng-table' web component add "custom_elements_schema" '@ngmodule.schemas' of component suppress message.  ("tive]="selectednewuserrow"                          [rows]="newuserrows" [columns]="newusercolumns" [error ->][links]="newuserlinks"                           (editclicked)="oneditclicked($event)"               "): newadminusertablecomponent@39:72 can't bind 'options' since isn't known property of 'ng-select'. 1. if 'ng-select' angular component , has 'options' input, verify part of module. 2. if 'ng-select' web component add "custom_elements_schema" '@ngmodule.schemas' of component suppress message.  (">                               <div class="col-sm-8">                                   <ng-select [error ->][options]="customerstoselect" formcontrolname="customerid" placeholder="select customer name" [disabl"): newadminusertablecomponent@261:43 can't bind 'allowclear' since isn't known property of 'ng-select'. 1. if 'ng-select' angular component , has 'allowclear' input, verify part of module. 2. if 'ng-select' web component add "custom_elements_schema" '@ngmodule.schemas' of component suppress message.  ("select" formcontrolname="customerid" placeholder="select customer name" [disabled]="isreadonlyform" [error ->][allowclear]="true"                                        (deselected)="oncustomerdeselected($event)"): newadminusertablecomponent@261:165 'ng-select' not known element: 1. if 'ng-select' angular component, verify part of module. 2. if 'ng-select' web component add "custom_elements_schema" '@ngmodule.schemas' of component suppress message. ("name</label>                               <div class="col-sm-8">                                   [error ->]<ng-select [options]="customerstoselect" formcontrolname="customerid" placeholder="select customer na"): newadminusertablecomponent@261:32, can see have correct imports , directives work evidently wrong.   below table code: /* !!! system imports !!! */ import { component, oninit, viewchild } '@angular/core'; import { toasterservice } 'angular2-toaster'; import { formsmodule } '@angular/forms'; import { formgroup, formbuilder, validators } '@angular/forms'; import { modaldirective } 'ng2-bootstrap'; import { changedetectorref } '@angular/core'; import { router, activatedroute } '@angular/router';  /* *** project imports *** */ import {newuserservice, eventservice, exporttoexcel } '../services/index'; //auditlogservice import { newuser, auditlog} '../models/index'; import { newusergrid } '../grid/index'; import * filesaver 'file-saver';  let json2csv = require('json2csv'); let jspdf = require('jspdf'); require('jspdf-autotable');  @component (   {     selector: 'app-newadminusertable',     templateurl: './adminusertable.component.html',     styleurls: ['./adminusertable.component.css']   } )  export class newadminusertablecomponent implements oninit {  @viewchild('usermodal') public usermodal: modaldirective;  /* remove in due course*/   //  @viewchild('file') file: any;   //  @viewchild('img') img: any;  /* remove in due course end*/  newusers: newuser[]; newuser: newuser; auditlogmodel: auditlog;    oldvalue: any;  message: string;  iseditform: boolean;  rowindex: number;   loggeduser: = {};   myform: formgroup;  isreadonlyform: boolean;  show: boolean;   //newuser grid code ========================================================================   public newuserrows: array < > = [];   public newusercolumns: array < > = [];   public newuserpage: number = 1;   public newuseritemsperpage: number = 10;   public newusermaxsize: number = 5;   public newusernumpages: number = 1;   public newuserlength: number = 0;    public newuserlinks: = {     isedit: false,     isdelete: false,     isview: false   };    public griddata: = {     grid: '',     issuperadmin: null   };    public newuserconfig: = {};   public newuserrowcount: number;   public selectednewuserrow: number;   public newuserothercolumns : number = 0;   public gridfiltereddata : = {};   public textmessage : string = '';   //newuser grid code ========================================================================   public params : = {   }   constructor(   private fb: formbuilder,   private newuserservice: newuserservice,     private toasterservice: toasterservice,   private eventservice: eventservice,    private newusergrid: newusergrid,   private loaderservice: loaderservice,   private ref: changedetectorref,   private route: activatedroute,   private router: router,    private exporttoexcel: exporttoexcel  ) { }   ngoninit(): void {   this.initializeform();   this.getmethods();   }  //form code================================================================================================== private initializeform() { 

any advice appreciated.

thanks andy

i solved problem, had in package.json file had dependancy "ng2-table , because of overwriting custom ng2-table.

removed solved issue


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