git - Travis CI running on Docker Image - Switch to last comited branch -

i'm working on operating systems, , want use travis ci continuous integration. basically, os can perform bunch of kernel tests on boot, , want them run @ every push.

however, setup environment bit complex, , i'm using docker image want application run on docker image, tavis ci's example doing:

as can see in dockefile of example: , repo clonned inside image, , soin travis ci's configuration file (, have run "make".

this easy because project single branch project, me want tests operated lastest comitted branch (the 1 triggered travis's build).

which solution think can use this? using environment variables on travis ci pass docker image , checkout branch passed parameter? there not more "classy options"?

i think both docker file , .travis.yml files not necessary there wip. thank you.

to branch last committed can use shell script this:

git branch --sort=-committerdate | awk -f " " /*/'{print $2}' 

the awk command cleaning output branch command branch name returned.

you can use result of above git checkout switch last updated branch before make command.


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