c++ - Tensorflow thread pools appear to spin forever, even after session is closed -

the quick version:

i'm using tensorflow in ios project , seeing high cpu usage after close tensorflow session so:

auto status = session->close(); delete session; session = nil; 


having read code, i'm working under assumption under covers tensorflow using directsession subclass of session, explicitly cleans thread pools if it's configured own own threads. ensure this, updated config when creating session:

tensorflow::sessionoptions options; options.config.clear_session_inter_op_thread_pool(); options.config.set_use_per_session_threads(true); auto status = tensorflow::newsession(options, &session); 

but still in profiler see cpu usage in eigen::nonblockingthreadpoolimpl<tensorflow::thread::eigenenvironment>::workerloop continue increase indefinitely after closing session. seems steal loop never stops.

if force down single thread there no stealing. so:


then tensorflow stops hogging cpu, threads still exist - they're suspended, waiting (presumably) woken process new tasks. isn't real solution problem - want able use many threads optimal.


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