reactjs - Material UI 1.0 beta, accent color raised button with white text -

i using new material-ui 1.0, want raised buttons accent color of app (#00c853) , text on button should white.

<button raised color="accent">button</button> 

the button green, text black , can not manage text color white.

how can this?

the button's text color automatically determined material ui depending on defined color palette. however, can use global style override set new text color buttons:

import { muithemeprovider, createmuitheme } 'material-ui/styles';  const theme = createmuitheme({   overrides: {     muibutton: {       raisedaccent: {         color: 'white !important'       }     }   } });  reactdom.render(   <muithemeprovider theme={theme}>     <yourapp/>   </muithemeprovider>,   document.queryselector('#app') ); 


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