java - Changing visibility on button in custom adapter -

i have problem listview , custom adapters. im trying put visibility of button gone when click on it, create new element list edit , change.

but doesn't work. think because notifyondatachange puts buttons visibility visible again.

public class customadapteringredientsuser extends arrayadapter<recipe.ingredients.ingredient>  list<recipe.ingredients.ingredient> ingredientlist; context context; edittext textquantity; edittext textname; button xbutton; button plusbutton; public customadapteringredientsuser(context context, list<recipe.ingredients.ingredient> resource) {     super(context,r.layout.ingredient_new_recipe,resource);     this.context = context;     this.ingredientlist = resource; }  @nonnull @override public view getview(final int position, @nullable view convertview, @nonnull viewgroup parent) {      layoutinflater layoutinflater = layoutinflater.from(getcontext());     final view customview = layoutinflater.inflate(r.layout.ingredient_new_recipe,parent,false);     textquantity = (edittext) customview.findviewbyid(;     textname = (edittext) customview.findviewbyid(;      plusbutton= (button) customview.findviewbyid(;     xbutton = (button) customview.findviewbyid(;     xbutton.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {         @override         public void onclick(view v) {             ingredientlist.remove(position);             notifydatasetchanged();          }     });     plusbutton.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {         @override         public void onclick(view v) {             plusbutton.setvisibility(customview.gone);              string name = textname.gettext().tostring();             string qnt = textquantity.gettext().tostring();             recipe.ingredients.ingredient ing2 = new recipe.ingredients.ingredient("quantity","name","photo");             ingredientlist.add(ing2);              notifydatasetchanged();          }     });      return customview; } 

image of app

it should let add new elements list, , remove button add more elemenets, in first 1 (the plus button). let user make list of ingredients.

you correct; calling notifydatasetchanged() going make button re-appear. why?

when call notifydatasetchanged(), listview redraw itself, going adapter information needs. involves calling getview() currently-visible items in list.

your implementation of getview() inflates , returns customview. since you're returning newly-inflated view, attributes of views not manually set after inflation set values in layout xml (or defaults, if not set here).

the default value visibility visible, when inflate customview, plusbutton visible unless manually change gone.

you have store sort of indication whether button @ given position should visible or gone, , apply inside getview() after inflate customview.

ps: in general, bad idea inflate new view every time getview() called. should leverage convertview argument , "view holder" pattern. improve performance of app. searching google , site should give ideas this.


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