javascript - How to customize close dialog function for ngDialog? -

i have implement customized close dialog function close button of ngdialog.

as per requirement in cases (where there form) have show ngdialog confirm popup asking if user want close dialog or not there 2 options 'yes' , 'no' has behavior.

i have tried preclosecallback() method somehow did not worked me does not wait user confirmation. function called on click of close , dialog closed or stays open depending on return function immediately. if don't return assumes true , closes dialog.

can please let me know way solve issue?

here comes nice solutions! it's bit hacky worked case.

step 1

set showclose option false while opening dialog.

// in controller popupfactory.openmodal('some_name','some_url.html', 'ngdialog-theme-default some_extra_css', $scope, function(value){     console.log("done:", value); },'some_controller',false); // false passes set **showclose** option false  // in common factory function openmodal(name, templateurl, classes, scope, callback, ctrl, showclose){     if(showclose === undefined){         showclose = true;     }     ngdialog.openconfirm({         name: name,         controller: ctrl,         template: templateurl,         classname: classes,         closebydocument: false, // prevent popup close clicking outside         closebyescape: false,   // prevent popup close esc key          closebynavigation : true, // close popup on state navigation         scope: scope,         disableanimation: true,         showclose: showclose,         preclosecallback: function(value) {             return true;         }     }).then(function (value) {         callback(value);     }); } 

step 2

write common close button handling function

// in common factory /**  * customize close open modal form  * @param isdirty - flag saying if form dirty  * @param $scope - scope object of current open form  * @param $event - $event object passed close button of open form  */ var closeconfirmopen = false; function closeform(isdirty,$scope,$event){     // following lines important prevent default behavior of ngdialog close event     if($event){         $event.preventdefault();         $event.stoppropagation();        }      if(isdirty){         var msg = $filter('translate')('navigateawaywithoutsavingconfirmmsg');         closeconfirmopen = true;         confirmpopup('warning', msg, null, 'leavepage', 'red', 'stayonpage', function(isok){             if(isok == 1){                  $scope.closethisdialog();             }             closeconfirmopen = false;         });     }else{         $scope.closethisdialog();     } } 

step 3

write close function in controller call factory function

/**  * close sample location modal  */  $scope.closeform = function($event){      popupfactory.closeform($scope.formname.$dirty,$scope,$event);  } 

step 4

add following line after defining header/title html of ngdialog

<div id="some_id" class="ngdialog-close" ng-click="closeform($event)"></div> 

yooo... done job...!!!

the best part of solutions common code closing form, once done factory function, need add close button wherever required in html , add simple close function in controller


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