python - ImportError: No module named openerp -

while running odoo @ first time shows importerror: no module named openerp

c:\python27\python.exe e:/workspaces/odoo-10.0-20170812/ -c

e:\workspaces\odoo-10.0-20170812\odoo.conf traceback (most recent call last):

file "e:/workspaces/odoo-10.0-20170812/", line 160, in main()
file "e:/workspaces/odoo-10.0-20170812/", line 156, in main

import openerp

importerror: no module named openerp

process finished exit code 1

import openerp won't work in odoo 10 because openerp replaced odoo. upto version 9 openerp in 10 changed.

so try:

import odoo instead of import openerp.

odoo 10 source code not contain import openerp anywhere, maybe have downloaded wrong source.


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