javascript - Xbox UWP WebView not responsive after hiding InputPane -

i accessing html webapp within webview in xbox xaml app. context, hosted webapp, leaks while playing video content causing crashes, prompted me use xaml app webview , mediaelement.

initially, <input/> fields not showing keyboard (inputpane) when focused , pressing 'a/ok' button on controller/remote. using following               .getforcurrentview()               .tryshow(); 

helped show keyboard on first key press. app hosted in webview, had same problem, not available. solution seems use scriptnotify event on webview, itselfs calls (very similar) following code in c# portion of code:


so far good. problem: when hitting "b/return" button on controller/remote, inputpane leaves, , <input/> element focused since still shows blinking text cursor, app not respond keypresses. have press "b/return" button second time regain control on webapp.

i looked inputpane api, , in hacks focusing webview without success far.

any appreciated!


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