python - Shortest way to replace values in nested JSON with the particular key elegantly -

imagine nested json structure below:

node =  {   "0" : {     "param" : {       "filename" : "abc",       "delimiter" : "n"     },     "function" : "do something"   },   "1" : {     "param" : {       "filename" : "def",       "delimiter" : "n"     },     "function" : "do something"   },   "2" : {     "param" : {       "filename" : "ghi",       "delimiter" : "n"     },     "function" : "do something"   } } 

i wish replace filename inside node variable computed filename. example want replace values of filename in "0", "1", , "2" "example.pdf".

what elegant way or shortest way in python?

how regex?

in [29]: import re  in [30]: json.loads(re.sub('(?<="filename": ")(.*?)(?=")', 'example.pdf',  json.dumps(node))) out[30]:  {'0': {'function': 'do something',   'param': {'delimiter': 'n', 'filename': 'example.pdf'}},  '1': {'function': 'do something',   'param': {'delimiter': 'n', 'filename': 'example.pdf'}},  '2': {'function': 'do something',   'param': {'delimiter': 'n', 'filename': 'example.pdf'}}} 

this not work, if not want replace every instance.


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