Microsoft Access - Does a value exist for this record? -

forewarning - new microsoft access , have limited knowledge of formulas , expressions. go easy!

i've built basic database store , track stories of people nonprofit organization has helped (we're calling them "subjects"). produce various publications , it's important know when , we've featured our subjects, can avoid repeating same content in same publication.

when putting content new issue, ask ourselves "okay, haven't featured in publication before?"

this i'm trying accomplish right now: able , find out hasn't been used in particular publication.

here tables , relationships.

enter image description here

a subject's content used in number of publications ("use/type publication")

so basically, trying say: if specific value in "use/type publication" field exists "subject(s)" , don't show subject in results

or alternatively, results subjects , return value yes/no.

i want able input specific value.

for example, "show me of subjects have never been used in our spirit enewsletter."

i hope enough information. appreciate can get!

design query; when put these 2 tables query design view - join line display assuming you've made permanent join in relationships. if not make join line displaying.

then put cursor on line itself, right click, , alter join type of contentversion selected. join line have arrow pointing @ content table.

add fields query of both tables.

run query , you'll of contentversion data , there no match you'll see nulls/blanks in content. here can continue customize meet needs.


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