Running Java batch deployed in Liberty profile on z/OS -

is approach of running java batch programs in liberty profile (supporting jsr352 specification) on z/os relatively new market or been long time ?

the reason behind question because, hearing relatively new attempt ibm , there not of live systems in market running in approach. true ?

note: understand jsr352 has been there quite sometime but, question specific support liberty profile in z/os (mainframe)

support jsr-352 showed in websphere liberty part of java ee7 support delivered in in june of 2015. supported on z/os , other platforms supported liberty. there features supported on z/os (i.e. smf recording, z/os-specific command line interface).
support in websphere traditional ibm's proprietary java batch product (websphere compute grid) goes @ least decade (on z/os , distributed platforms).
there's lot of information liberty jsr-352 support (especially on z/os) starting here:


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