Automated Testing Tools - Back End That's Not Unit Testing -

i have question regarding automated testing tools. manual test engineer past year or has developed via c# front end automated framework testing 1 of our web based products (using selenium).

i given task of researching tools end testing that's not unit testing. have acquired company , unit test.

my boss wants me try , find tool level above unit testing testing "logical blocks" of features. plan our developers create api our product , plug in third party tool running automated tests on product.

we not have unit tests our product goes straight dev test dept (manual testing).

is aware of such tool. understand develop our own tool, sake of time , money have been asked see if exists give jump start on testing.



i haven't used myself yet, think should robot framework. easy , fast learn , setup, includes many libraries pre-made keywords testing web (using selenium) backend (using webservices, database requests).

and if standard libraries don't have need, can develop own library using phython or java , invoke that.

robot framework takes care of generic stuff running, test data management , reporting.


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