moq - How to unit test a helper funtion call in a collection in C# using Mock -

i 'm new unit testing , want create unit test following code:

   public ienumerable<product> createproductlist(        ienumerable<int> productsids, ienumerable<product> products)     {         var productslist = productsids.groupjoin(             inner: products,              outerkeyselector: x => x,              innerkeyselector: y =>,             resultselector: (x, y) => _productservicehelper.             factoryproduct(x, y.firstordefault(k => == x))).tolist();          return productslist;     } 

the unit test have written far trying use mocksequence unsuccessfully:

   [test, testcasesource(nameof(testcases_createproductlist_somemissingids))]     public void createproductlist_somemissingids_returnlistcontainingmissingones         (ienumerable<int> listwithrequiredproductsids, ienumerable<product> listmissingids,         ienumerable<product> expectedlistcontainingallrequired)     {         //_mockproductservicehelper.insequence(sequence).setup(x =>          //    x.factoryproduct(it.isany<int>(), it.isany<product>())).returns(()=> expectedlistcontainingallrequire(x => x));          //expectedlistcontainingallrequired.tolist()            // .select(x => _mockproductservicehelper.insequence(sequence)                        // .setup(y => y.factoryproduct(it.isany<int>(), it.isany<product>()))                     //.returns(x));         //expectedlistcontainingallrequired.         var result = _productservice.createproductlist(listwithrequiredproductsids,                         listmissingids);           var jsonresult = jsonconvert.serializeobject(result);         var jsonexpectedlistcontainingallrequired = jsonconvert.serializeobject                                         (expectedlistcontainingallrequired);         //_mockproductservicehelper.verify(x => x.factoryproduct(),times.once);          //assert.that(result.count(), is.equalto(expectedlistcontainingallrequired.count()));         assert.that(result.count(), is.equalto(expectedlistcontainingallrequired.count()));         assert.that(jsonresult, is.equalto(jsonexpectedlistcontainingallrequired));     }      public static ienumerable testcases_createproductlist_somemissingids     {                 {             yield return datacases_createproductlist_somemissingids(                 new list<int> { 1, 2 }, new list<int> { 1 });             yield return datacases_createproductlist_somemissingids(                 new list<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, new list<int> { 1, 2 });         }     }      private static testcasedata datacases_createproductlist_somemissingids         (ienumerable<int> productids, ienumerable<int> productobjects)     {         var productlistobjects =;          var expectedproductlist =;      return new testcasedata(productids, productlistobjects, expectedproductlist);     }      private static product createmockobject(int x)     {         return new product         {             category = new category { id = 1, name = "padrao" },             name = "product " + x,             description = "any description " + x,             creation =,             launch =,             price = x * 2     };     } 

i have tried many things apparently nothing works. left paths tried follow commented.

does have suggestion or example helps accomplish testing method?


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