gcc - using matlab codegen but output .exe file can not start because .dll is missing from my computer -

i have used matlab 2015a generate .c , .dll files on windows7 follows :

codegen -config:dll example_fun.m -args {complex(0,0),0,0,0,0} 

and want use .dll output file along generated main .c file using gcc on command prompt follows:

gcc main.c example_fun.dll -wl,-rpath=$(pwd) 

the .exe file generated , trying execute on cmd as: a.exe. however, having error message error message:

"the program can't start because.dll missing computer. try reinstalling program fix problem"

although .dll file in same destination a.exe.

the strange issue here same procedure works on linux executing /a.out , output printed fine.

i believe whole problem how make generated a.exe sees .dll alhough -as have mentioned before- both of them in same folder.

i have tried add folder's path in system variables. however, had same error message.

so doing wrong step ? there other way generate .exe file , execute both main.c , accompanying .dll generated matlab codegen?


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