javascript - stop div from reopening on click jQuery -

i new jquery/javascript , think don't understand own code.

it behaves want when re-click on .projtog, re-toggles .projcontent , don't want that. .projcontent close when re-click on associated .projtog. tried giving .projcontent boolean value, didn't know it.

here code:

$('div.projcontent').css('height', '0vh');    $('h2.projtog').click(function() {      var $dataname_2 = $(this).data("name");      $('div.projcontent').css('height', '0vh');      settimeout(function() {      $("#" + $dataname_2).css('height', '100vh');    }, 290);    });
#projectsection {    display: -webkit-box;    display: -ms-flexbox;    display: flex;    -webkit-box-align: center;    -ms-flex-align: center;    align-items: center;    -webkit-box-orient: vertical;    -webkit-box-direction: normal;    -ms-flex-direction: column;    flex-direction: column;    padding: 1em;    padding-top: 0;    width: 45vw;    min-height: 100%;    overflow-y: scroll;    overflow-x: hidden;  }    .proj {    max-width: 40vw;    color: #003c48;    max-height: 100vh;  }    .projtog {    text-align: left;    transition: 0.2s ease;  }    .projcontent {    max-width: 40vw;    max-height: 57vh;    overflow: scroll;    transition: ease-in-out 200ms;    position: relative;  }    .projectimages {    max-width: 40vw;  }
<script src=""></script>  <div class="proj">    <h2 data-name="projectx" class="projtog"></h2>    <h3></h3>    <div class="projcontent" id="projectx">      <p></p>      <img class="projectimages" src="">    </div>  </div>

$('div.projcontent').hide();  $('h2.projtog').click(function() {   $(this).nextall(".projcontent").toggle(); }); 

above code toggle projcontent div.


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