Azure Data Factory falling behind schedule silently -

i have number of activities running on adf running every day, hourly , 1 every 15 minutes.

i found way set alerts in adf failing activities trigger email. have not found way create more detailed custom alerts.

in case task runs every 15 minutes

"scheduler": {                 "frequency": "minute",                 "interval": 15 } 

was set run 1 @ time

"policy": {                 "concurrency": 1             }, 

unfortunately activity became locked indefinitely couple days. on resource lock. caused time slice stay in pending state. waiting on concurrency. since initial activity slice did not fail, got no alert , no warning.

does have idea how monitor failures aren't failures in adf if slice misses schedule?

one way turn issues failures.

you can add timeout property pipeline execution policy:

"policy": {     "concurrency": 1,     "timeout":"00:15:00" } 

with timeout pipeline execution , related dataset slice become failed after 15 minutes.


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