python - How to get the labels of nodes and egdes from read_dot -

i have dot file representing directed graph (digraph). want read in networkx digraph object. used networkx.drawing.nx_agraph.read_dot(path), the nodes in graph function returns simple 'str' types , labels lost in translation.

dotfile this:

digraph code {     graph [bgcolor=white fontname="courier" splines="ortho"];     node [fillcolor=gray style=filled shape=box];     edge [arrowhead="normal"];     "0x000052c0" -> "0x00003a40" [label="section..text" color="red" url="section..text/0x00003a40"];     "0x00003a40" [label="section..text" url="section..text/0x00003a40"];     "0x000052c0" -> "0x0021ee08" [label="reloc.__libc_start_main_8" color="green" url="reloc.__libc_start_main_8/0x0021ee08"];     "0x0021ee08" [label="reloc.__libc_start_main_8" url="reloc.__libc_start_main_8/0x0021ee08"]; } 

what wrote read file this:

import networkx nx g = nx.drawing.nx_agraph.read_dot(dot_graph_name) 

does have better method? write own it's better have working , tested.


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