c++ - Is there a way to call base class function which is over-rided in its derived class that used private inheritance? -

i'm going through inheritance concepts in c++ , tried such code:

class base{     public:     void display(int j)     {         cout<<j<< " base "<<endl;     } };  class derived:private base{     public:     using base::display;     void display(int k)     {         cout<<k<< " derived "<<endl;     } };  int main() {     derived obj;     obj.display(10);     //obj.base::display(46); --> cannot used base privately inherited. conversion derived base cannot happen in case.      return 0; } 

in above case, there way invoke base class display function main using obj in anyway?

if base function not over-rided in derived class, using (in case if base functions hidden overloaded functions in derived), declare in derived , invoke derived class obj. in such cases base function over-rided in derived private inheritence, there way invoke base function?

as i'm learning c++, i'm curious know if there way thing (irrespective of practical use case).

not directly, because function in base class private in derived class, , using declaration doesn't here. can add function derived class, different name, calls base function. no comment on design issues lead complexity.


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