java - Why I get error "Your security settings have blocked a local application from running”? -

what rid of this? wanted make game accessible browser. error "your security settings have blocked local application running".

i changed browser. nothing. added exception in "configure java". nothing. looked internet , looked "medium" security level removed..

honestly, i'm not sure. but, might know what's causing problem. i'll list of them here (you can find full list @ what applets can , cannot do):

  • applets cannot access local file system.
  • applets cannot connect or retrieve resources third party server.
  • applets cannot load native libraries.
  • applets cannot change securitymanager.
  • applets cannot create classloader.
  • applets cannot read system properties.

in summary, don't try make changes user's desktop or client's windows folder. have them upload file instead. don't try access .pngs or .json external servers google or yahoo either, because java can't guarantee them safe too. neither can load native libraries, might want avoid if can, , don't have access info in securitymanager, classloader or system props.

if app violates 1 of these, java blocking app running. depends on implementation too. make sure browser doesn't block applet features (and java supports browser, make sure enabled too) , try again.

or, can ignore of , try making app privileged. unfortunately have little experience process of making app privileged, can hear, it'll give applet little more room move in.


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