c# - unity 5: Flip a gameobject in a certain order -

i able flip gameobject problem flips before attack animation starts. don't know how put in order. hoping can help.

// update called once per frame void update () {      if(input.getkeydown(keycode.space))     {         getcomponent<rigidbody2d>().velocity = new vector2(4f, 0);                startcoroutine(enemyreturn());     } }  ienumerator enemyreturn() {     yield return new waitforseconds(1.1f);     getcomponent<animator>().settrigger("slimemelee"); //attack animation     getcomponent<rigidbody2d>().velocity = new vector2(0, 0);     vector3 thescale = transform.localscale; thescale.x *= -1;     transform.localscale = thescale; } 

one trivial solution yield time before fliping:

ienumerator enemyreturn() {     yield return new waitforseconds(1.1f);     getcomponent<animator>().settrigger("slimemelee"); //attack animation     yield return new waitforseconds(0.5f); // setup yield time.     getcomponent<rigidbody2d>().velocity = new vector2(0, 0);     vector3 thescale = transform.localscale; thescale.x *= -1; transform.localscale = thescale; // code flip } 

in example, code yield 0.5 seconds before make flip. should change 0.5 time fits animation.


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