After a update, I still have an old version of Node.js -

i have update local node.js 1 of webpack application can deployed google cloud. after running following set of commands, error 'sudo: n: command not found'.

sudo npm cache clean -f sudo npm install -g n sudo n stable 

based on this article, run following command

~ $  sudo -e env "path=$path" n stable   install : node-v8.2.1    mkdir : /usr/local/n/versions/node/8.2.1    fetch : ######################################################################## 100.0%  installed : v8.2.1 

the latest version of node.js shall installed. however, still get

node -v v6.10.0 

how solve installation problem on linx mint 18.1?

type n , choose node/8.2.1

if wanna remove old version

type n rm 6.10.0


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