javascript - Calculate and auto populate dynamic elements -

i'm trying fix time form script calculate rest of days. right calculates in , out aka duration day 1. not on how day 2 plus data calculate.

another issue i'm having not being able edit day 1 when add in new days i'm not longer able calculate duration. if go day 1 , delete days i'm able edit , calculate again.

p.s. segments i'm referring days.

		var template;  		var numofsegments = 1;    		window.addeventlistener('load', function() {  			template = document.queryselector("#wrapper").innerhtml;  			document.queryselector("#more_fields").addeventlistener("click", function(e) {  				e.preventdefault(); // tell browser not send form  				document.getelementbyid('wrapper').insertadjacenthtml('beforeend', template); // add next segment  				numofsegments = document.queryselectorall("div.segment").length;  				document.queryselector("div.segment:last-of-type > label").innerhtml = "day " + (numofsegments) + ":"; //updates segment #  			});  		})      		function deleteme() {  			if (numofsegments > 1) {  				var btn = document.queryselector("#wrapper > div.segment:last-of-type");  				btn.remove();  				event.preventdefault();  			}  		}    		function addnumseg() {  			var elem = document.getelementbyid("segments_num");  			elem.value = ++numofsegments;  		}    		function subtractnumseg() {  			var elem = document.getelementbyid("segments_num");  			if (numofsegments > 1) {  				elem.value = --numofsegments;  			}  		}
	<form id="seg" oninput="z.value=parseint(segout.value)-parseint(segin.value)">  		<div id="room_fileds">  			<div class="content" id="wrapper">  				<div class="segment">  					<label id="seg[]" style="margin:0 0 10px 60px;display: inline;">day 1:</label>  					<div class="form-group" style="display: inline;">  						<label id=seg-in[] style="margin:0 0 10px 35px;display: inline;">in:</label>  						<input class="form-control seg_in" id="segin" type="text" style="margin:0 0 10px 5px;width:15%;display: inline;">  					</div>  					<div class="form-group" style="display: inline;">  						<label id=seg-out[] style="margin:0 0 10px 35px;display: inline;">out:</label>  						<input class="form-control seg_out" id="segout" type="text" style="margin:0 0 10px 5px;width:15%;display: inline;">  					</div>    					<div class="form-group" style="display: inline;">  						<label id="seg-dur[]" style="margin:0 0 10px 35px;display: inline;">duration:</label>  						<output class="form-control seg_out" form="seg" name="z" for="segin segout" style="margin:0 0 10px 5px;width:15%;display:inline" ; readonly></output>  					</div>  				</div>  			</div>  		</div>    		<div style="text-align:right;">  			<div style="display:inline;text-align: right;">  				<button onclick="deleteme(); subtractnumseg();" type="button" style="height: 25px;width:14px;" id="less_fields">-</button>  			</div>    			<div style="display:inline;text-align: right;">  				<button onclick="addnumseg();" type="button" style="height: 25px;width:14px;" id="more_fields">+</button>  			</div>  		</div>  		<br><br>  		<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" id="formsubmit">submit</button>

you missing actual segments_num element:

  <div id='segments_num' value=1></div> 

in html fixes this.

i placed addnumseg(); event listener avoid asynchronous event handling issues.

var template;  		var numofsegments = 1;    		window.addeventlistener('load', function() {  			template = document.queryselector("#wrapper").innerhtml;  			document.queryselector("#more_fields").addeventlistener("click", function(e) {  				e.preventdefault(); // tell browser not send form  				document.getelementbyid('wrapper').insertadjacenthtml('beforeend', template); // add next segment  				numofsegments = document.queryselectorall("div.segment").length;  				document.queryselector("div.segment:last-of-type > label").innerhtml = "day " + (numofsegments) + ":"; //updates segment #  addnumseg();  			});  		})      		function deleteme() {  			if (numofsegments > 1) {  				var btn = document.queryselector("#wrapper > div.segment:last-of-type");  				btn.remove();  				event.preventdefault();  			}  		}    		function addnumseg() {  			var elem = document.getelementbyid("segments_num");  			elem.value = ++numofsegments;  		}    		function subtractnumseg() {  			var elem = document.getelementbyid("segments_num");  			if (numofsegments > 1) {  				elem.value = --numofsegments;  			}  		}
<div id='segments_num' value=1></div>  	<form id="seg" oninput="z.value=parseint(segout.value)-parseint(segin.value)">  		<div id="room_fileds">  			<div class="content" id="wrapper">  				<div class="segment">  					<label id="seg[]" style="margin:0 0 10px 60px;display: inline;">day 1:</label>  					<div class="form-group" style="display: inline;">  						<label id=seg-in[] style="margin:0 0 10px 35px;display: inline;">in:</label>  						<input class="form-control seg_in" id="segin" type="text" style="margin:0 0 10px 5px;width:15%;display: inline;">  					</div>  					<div class="form-group" style="display: inline;">  						<label id=seg-out[] style="margin:0 0 10px 35px;display: inline;">out:</label>  						<input class="form-control seg_out" id="segout" type="text" style="margin:0 0 10px 5px;width:15%;display: inline;">  					</div>    					<div class="form-group" style="display: inline;">  						<label id="seg-dur[]" style="margin:0 0 10px 35px;display: inline;">duration:</label>  						<output class="form-control seg_out" form="seg" name="z" for="segin segout" style="margin:0 0 10px 5px;width:15%;display:inline" ; readonly></output>  					</div>  				</div>  			</div>  		</div>    		<div style="text-align:right;">  			<div style="display:inline;text-align: right;">  				<button onclick="deleteme(); subtractnumseg();" type="button" style="height: 25px;width:14px;" id="less_fields">-</button>  			</div>    			<div style="display:inline;text-align: right;">  				<button type="button" style="height: 25px;width:14px;" id="more_fields">+</button>  			</div>  		</div>  		<br><br>  		<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" id="formsubmit">submit</button>


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