multiprocessing - Multiprocess a list of commands -

im trying run list of commands. problem list can long, having multiple commands run simultaneously great.

how do multiprocessing module?

list_of_commands = [cmd foo, cmd bar, ...]  main_log_file = open( os.getcwd() + '/error.log', 'w+')  count = 0 job in list_of_commands:     count += 1     child = subprocess.popen(job, stdout=subprocess.pipe, stderr=subprocess.pipe)     streamdata = child.communicate()[0]     errcode = child.returncode     if errcode == 0:         print ( 'job', count, 'success' )     elif errcode == 1:         print ( 'job', count, 'completed errors' )     elif errcode == 2:         print ( 'job', count, 'error' )         main_log_file.write ( streamdata.decode('ascii') + str(errcode) + '\n' )  main_log_file.close() 

order of execution doesn't matter

you can use concurrent.futures.threadpoolexecutor map function run costant number of parallel executions.

workers = 5  # amount of concurrent executions want  def launcher(job):     child = subprocess.popen(job, ... )     streamdata = child.communicate()[0]     ...  concurrent.futures.threadpoolexecutor(max_workers=workers) pool:, jobs) 


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