amazon web services - Is it possible to use AWS CodePipeline with Lightsail? -

i'm working day , couldn't find answer. i'm asking guys: possible use aws pipeline aws lightsail?

my objective store code inside codecommit , use codebuild, codedeploy, codepipeline , s3 create continuous deployment inside lightsail instance.

those steps think have follow accomplish task:

[x] setup lightsail instance [x] create iam user , set permissions [x] transfer repository codecommit [x] create s3 bucket hold build artifacts [x] create codebuild project build artifacts [x] create buildspec.yml file build steps [ ] create codedeploy project deploy application [ ] create codepipeline project trigger build when commit branch 

as can see, i'm there. couldn't find way use lightsail instance codedeploy. so, question is: possible? there limitation? did miss basic? there other way make cd lighsail? sorry, i'm getting little crazy right here ahhaha.

today, 08/16/2017, it's not possible integrate them.

i asked same question on aws forums , replied technologies not integrated yet since separated each other.

well guess i'll have find way.


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