pagination - VueJS: changing number of paginate values? -

my problem is: i'm trying pagination function datatable, works fine when change limit of items in table, total of pages doesn't update. how can proceed? have filter:

    filters: {         paginate: function(list) {             this.resultcount = this.movimientos.length;             if (this.currentpage >= this.totalpages) {               this.currentpage = math.max(0, this.totalpages - 1);             }             var index = this.currentpage * this.upperlimit;             return this.movimientos.slice(index, index + this.upperlimit);         }     }  

and here i'm calculating number of pages

computed: {     totalpages: function() {          return math.ceil(this.resultcount / this.itemsperpage);     } }, methods: {      setpage: function(pagenumber) {          this.currentpage = pagenumber; },  <div v-for="pagenumber in totalpages" class="c-paginacao__select">      <a href="#" v-on:click.prevent="setpage(pagenumber)">         <span class="active">{{pagenumber+1}}</span>      </a> </div> 


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