Bash - saving string to separate variable after custom delimiter -

i'm new bash please forgive me, i'm building bash script can accept user input command can have lot of switches. need write function pulls specific data user provided command.

i can't seem find way pull each word after "-mode" , push array or list of sort.

here example of user input command might like:

/home/custom/function/that/accepts/a/billion/switches  random_info random_info2 -worker vendor_schmo  -switch_one  -anotherone  -more_switches  -optiontwo        -mode foo -mode bar -mode baz -mode bag -mode dat -mode rar 

i've tried fiddling awk -f "-mode" '{ print $1 }' , didn't work. advice appreciated!!

here snippet script pulls info:

manualrunmain(){   local command   manualrunheaderprint   echo   echo   echo   echo   linebreakprint   read -p "enter command here: " command   sleep .25   manualrun "$command" }  manualrun(){   manualrunheaderprint   jobrunsubheaderprint   pullmodenames "$1" }  pullmodenames(){  } 

you can use rs variable in awk tell split data separate records when -mode:

s='/home/custom/function/that/accepts/a/billion/switches  random_info random_info2 -worker vendor_schmo  -switch_one  -anotherone  -more_switches  -optiontwo        -mode foo -mode bar -mode baz -mode bag -mode dat -mode rar'  printf '%s' "$s" | awk -v rs="-mode[[:space:]]*" 'nr>1' foo bar baz bag dat rar 

to populate array:

mapfile -t arr < <(printf '%s' "$s" | awk -v rs="-mode[[:space:]]*" 'nr>1')  # examine array content declare -p arr declare -a arr=([0]="foo" [1]="bar" [2]="baz" [3]="bag" [4]="dat" [5]="rar") 


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