c# - Custom names for actions to appear on Url -

i'm trying change way our actionresult names appear on url.

i tried using [actionname()] attribute on actionresult declaration , modifying routes.maproute() parameters in routeconfig caused application errors. apparently, i'm missing or doing wrong.

simply, i'm trying make following actionresult appear "giris" on url.

public actionresult login(string returnurl, string lang = "tr") {     code code code } 

and part actionresult

routes.maproute(     "logintr",     "login",     new { controller = "account", action = "login", lang = "tr" } ); routes.maproute(     "loginen",     "en/login",     new { controller = "account", action = "login", lang = "en" } ); 

also how can make custom url's work different page languages?


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