ember.js - Ember RESTSerializer, relationships not behaving as expected -

i'm using both restadapter, , restserializer parse json payload relationships (sideloaded). docs ds.restadapter state sideloaded related data should returned under key of own type, e.g

{   "posts": {     "id": 5,     "title": "i'm running reform w3c's tag",     "author": "yehuda katz",     "comments": [1, 2]   },   "comments": [{     "id": 1,     "author": "user 1",     "message": "first!",   }, {     "id": 2,     "author": "user 2",     "message": "good luck!",   }] } 

when using own payload, unless add type field each related item, parse error: 'cannot read property 'replace' of undefined'.

this payload:

{     "practice-items": [         {             id: 1,             title: 'major scales',             discipline: 1         },         {             id: 2,             title: 'minor scales',             total_issues_count: 5,             discipline: 1         }     ],     "disciplines": [         {             id: 1,             title: 'scales',             type: 'discipline'         },         {             id: 2,             title: 'pieces',             type: 'discipline'         }     ] } 

this works - not if omit 'type' field in each related record. idea why - missing obvious?

i believe issue using key discipline in each practice-items, key sideloaded data disciplines. need match, or – seeing – can use entirely different name specified type attribute.


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