c# - Hangfire recurring job failed without any mention -

i use sql server store hangfire data , self-written logger log stuff hangfire of asp.net mvc 5 site. problem can startup hangfire, configure it, add new recurring job without problems, doesn't work (failed state in hangfire.job table).

i use owinstartup configuration:

public static void configurehangfire(iappbuilder app, string connectionname) {     var options = new sqlserverstorageoptions     {         queuepollinterval = timespan.fromseconds(10)     };      globalconfiguration.configuration.usesqlserverstorage(connectionname, options);      // not try rerun failed jobs default!     globaljobfilters.filters.add(new automaticretryattribute { attempts = 0 });      // add logs passed log     logprovider.setcurrentlogprovider(new mylogprovider()));      app.usehangfireserver(); } 

i have 2 questions:

  1. how can make work?
  2. why not log error messages?

and i've found out answers questions:

first of all, logging became work after had commented line:

globaljobfilters.filters.add(new automaticretryattribute { attempts = 0 }); 

i've tried change attempts 1, still has not worked. full commenting of code helped. bug? frankly, think so.

and after commenting i've got opportunity receive problem message. , problem class owns called method isn't contains parameterless constructor.


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