python - Subliminal doesn't work when the code is converted to a compiled executable -

subliminal module in python used subtitles , doesn't work when compiled executable using pyinstaller. here complete code

import subliminal import sys,os,requests import argparse; import logging; babelfish import language import dbm.dumb   # configure cache subliminal.region.configure('dogpile.cache.dbm', arguments={'filename': 'cachefile.dbm'})   parser = argparse.argumentparser() parser.add_argument('--path' , type=str , default=none,help="path video or directory of videos.") args=parser.parse_args()  if not args.path:     args.path = input("enter path video file or directory containing videos : ") ;  if os.path.isfile(args.path):     videos = [subliminal.scan_video(args.path)]; else:     videos = subliminal.scan_videos(args.path) ;  subs = subliminal.download_best_subtitles(videos,{language('eng')} ) ; print(list(subs.values())) v in videos:     subliminal.save_subtitles(v, subs[v]) ; 

the subtitle downloads when run ide or console directly. fails subtitle , after compiling .


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