iis 6 - How to increase the max_connections value for MySQL on Windows Server? -

i have issue with

sqlstate[08004] [1040] many connections 

on windows server 2008 r2. i'm trying increase max_connections (the default value 151). in the mysql 5.6 root folder d:\...\mysql5.6 found file my-default.ini , added

max_connections = 200

under [mysqld]. restarted service:


but nothing has changed:

show variables "max_connections"; +-----------------+-------+ ¦ variable_name   ¦ value ¦ +-----------------+-------+ ¦ max_connections ¦ 151   ¦ +-----------------+-------+ 

i renamed my-default.ini my.ini , restarted mysql server again. no effect.

how set mysql max_connections permanently on windows server?

my bad -- edited wrong my.ini.

in video shown, how find out, 1 used mysql service on windows:

  1. [start] -> run... -> "services.msc"
  2. right click on entry of mysql service -> properties
  3. [tab] general:


i updated proper my.ini , restarted service. new value being used.


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