cmake - Use ZeroMQ in ROS with Package zeromq_catkin - How to include? -

i trying setup ros-node communicate other os via zeromq ( no choice here ).

i use ros kinetic kame on ubuntu 16.04 lts , catkin build (instead of catkin_make).

luckily, there catkin-package (a wrapper) zeromq available, builds me:

but when try include cpp-wrapper #include "zmq.hpp", installed above package, compiler cannot find header file.

any ideas on doing wrong? every hint highly appreciated.

additional infos

my package.xml (for own node) has in it:

<build_depend>zeromq_catkin</build_depend> <run_depend>zeromq_catkin</run_depend> 

my cmakelists.txt has in it:

find_package(zeromq_catkin required) include_directories(     ${zeromq_catkin_include_dir} ) target_link_libraries(my_node     ${zeromq_catkin_library} ) 

small important mistake, typed include_dir there s missing, should include_dirs in cmakelists.txt:

include_directories(     ${zeromq_catkin_include_dirs} ) 


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