c# - IBM Webshpere MQ .net client, which is more suitble amqmdnet or XMS -

i have ibm websphere mq .net client application uses amqmdnet dll. works fine not able read messages in event(subscription) based manner. reading online found xms library has in-built subscriber methods.

i looking @ scalability of .net client application allow cluster of nodes reading same mq pipeline. objective create .net message consumer supports

  • point-to-point & publish/subscribe method

  • cluster of nodes connecting same queue , consuming messages.

  • remove messages pipeline once persisted.

which of method preferred in such scenario?

both ibm mq classes .net(amqmdnet.dll) , ibm message service api .net(xms .net) support features of ibm mq: both support point-to-point & publish/subscribe. both support multiple clients connecting , consuming single queue. both support units of work. both supported ibm.

xms .net supports messagelistener objects simplify consuming queue. in ibm mq classes .net need write own function consume queue.

ibm technote "xms .net – overview has overview of xms .net features.


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