c++ - What kind of exception is thrown by boost::ifind_first? -

i've found boost documentation frustrating read , despite best effort, cannot determine kind of exception may thrown in call boost::ifind_first. documentation notes:

this function provides strong exception-safety guarantee

however there no notes on type of exception may thrown. primary question how determine exception may thrown ifind_first?

it tough answer since, stated, documentation use kick in butt. being said when boost says:

this function provides strong exception-safety guarantee

they refering exception-safety in generic components states:

the strong guarantee provides full “commit-or-rollback” semantics. in case of c++ standard containers, means, example, if exception thrown iterators remain valid. know container has same elements before exception thrown. transaction has no effects if fails has obvious benefits: program state simple , predictable in case of exception. in c++ standard library, of operations on node-based containers list, set, multiset, map, , multimap provide strong guarantee.4).

i using boost::exception class catch general exception, feed data should break , figure out throws there.


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