filter - VueJS: how can i use two computed properties inside one v-for? -

i have computed property:

 computed: {             filteredcars: function() {                 var self =                 return self.carros.filter(function(carro) {                     return carro.nome.indexof(self.busca) !== -1                 })             },         }, 

and i'm using v-for this:

<tr v-for="carro in filteredcars">     <td>{{carro.nome}}</td>     <td>{{carro.marca}}</td>     <td>{{carro.categoria}}</td>     <td>{{carro.motor}}</td>     <td>{{carro.cambio}}</td>     <td>{{carro.preco}}</td>  </tr> 

but need create computed property limit data quantity, how call inside same v-for?

i'm trying use filteredcars + filter, in case 'limit' filter vue 1.x. i've done example using vue 1.x need using vue 2.x.

vue.filter('limit', function (value, amount) {             return value.filter(function(val, index, arr){                 return index < amount;                   });  <tr v-for="carro in carros | limit upperlimit> ... </tr> 

just use array.prototype.slice (array.prototype.splice should work too) in computed property.

data: {     carros: [...],     upperlimit: 30 }, computed: {     filteredcars: function() {         const arr = this.carros.filter(function(carro) {             return carro.nome.indexof(self.busca) !== -1         });         if (arr.length > this.upperlimit) {             return arr.slice(0, this.upperlimit + 1);         }         return arr;     }, } 


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