vb.net - Automatic login when run the program second time -

recently try use webbrowser component. when click button, navigate facebook.com. after login on first time , stop program. , when run program second time don't need fill email , password. why don't need fill email , password textbox ? thanks

here's code

public class form1  private sub button1_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles button1.click     webbrowser1.navigate("m.facebook.com") end sub  end class 

note: delete post, because doesn't community. curiosity. thanks

how need re-type email password again when 2nd starting program

you have 2 options:

  1. the first save cookiecontainer associated webbrowser disk , reload when restart program. there no straightforward way serialize cookies disk or other storage method - you.

  2. instruct webbrowser object make use of user's windows profile internet explorer cookie collection shared internet explorer , other programs opt-in sharing state (i not know if applies edge browser, suspect not). see here instructions on how this: use cookies cookiecontainer in webbrowser


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