Using a google api on behalf of a user in java on a web server -

does here have experience using google api on behalf of user in java web application?

i've found one guide had date information on how create installed app on local machine. works on own machine. deploy somewhere i'm in world of trouble. , i've found partial , opaque information on how programmatically access google api on behalf of someone, on web server. i've found deprecated repos , outdated youtube videos. dead ends.

what need someones working example, end-to-end tutorial or can take me 0 stuff working on web server minimal product can build on. please help!

i start @ easily access google apis java. need oauth token user. token can use google apis on behalf of users. can read more here: using oauth 2.0 google api client library java. if don't have understanding oauth is, recommend reading using oauth 2.0 access google apis. web server applications scenario seems apply describing.

i can't provide working example or end-to-end tutorial. if have read documentation referenced , have specific questions feel free ask them. posting code show you've done , stuck help.


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